Monday, 19 May 2014

The Luchadors

Mexican wrestlers (AKA Luchadors) take over room 25!!!

Fiesta Time!

On Cinqo de Mayo our class finally celebrated the end of our Mexico unit with a much anticipated FIESTA!  Our pot-luck lunch was a huge success with thanks to all of the generous parents who brought in Mexican meals, food and supplies.  After our feast, we broke a piƱata in the mini-gym.  This certainly was a day we will never forget!

Saturday, 3 May 2014

This Week at School

This week at school was awesome!  We went swimming on Thursday and it was fun.  Billy Joe actually had a good time! 

This week we also made replicas of the Nile out of cardboard, sand, glitter, construction paper, blue tissue paper and we used skinny black Sharpies to write the names of cities on little signs.  It was a fantastic activity! 

We learned that the Ancient Egyptians buried their pharaohs in pyramids or in tombs inside of caves.  They are really big, so big that you can see the Great Pyramid of Giza from the moon!  There are lots of trap doors and corridors inside of the pyramids.  You could find, gold, jewels, a mummy, dead pets, and even a toilet for the pharaoh to use in the after-life.  Then Mrs. Shabaga taught us how to make 3-D pyramids.

Yesterday we met a guest artist named, Tiber.  We played imagination games to take a journey to Egypt and we watched him juggle.  Also he played one of the oldest instruments in the world called a jaw-harp.  In French it is called a “ruin-babine”.  They had those types of instruments in Ancient Egyptian times.
This week was amazing!

Team 25