Monday, 29 April 2013

Best Students EVER!!!!!!

Well I must say that I have the BEST STUDENTS EVER!!!!!  You guys are SO sweet!  Thank you so much for your "Get Well" cards.  They really made my day.  I really miss all of you guys too.  It feels really weird to be away from you and my classroom for so long but it's important that I listen to the doctor even though I'm feeling pretty well.  I can't wait to see all of you on Thursday!  We are going to start some new things like Shapes and Solids in Math, Mapping Skills in S.S. (sounds boring but we're going to make it fun) and Plants & Soils in Science.  I can't wait to grow some plants in the snow!!!!!  (kidding)
See you soon my little minions!!!!
Mrs. Shabaga

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Thrones Fit For A King

Using a LOT of toilet paper rolls and a whole LOT of tape, we built some stable thrones that are fit for kings!   Ok, so the thrones are only big enough to support miniature sized kings, weighing approximately 500g but there wasn't enough room in our classroom to store chairs any bigger than that!

We discovered that painting over red tape doesn't work very well.  Plan B involves spray-painting the thrones gold but the weather has been too cold for us to go outside and do that!  Needless to say, there has been a delay in our "manufacturing department".  In the mean time, we have decided to study the mummification process!